Sunday School Classes


Disciples Class

NEW BIBLE STUDY “REVELATION REVEALED” The last Book of the New Testament ---- full of mystery, challenge, confusion, and HOPE! Come, journey with the Disciples small group to explore and understand what in the world it all means. Shirley Wilkie will lead us in this study. We will see you at 8:30 a.m., room 125. YOU are invited to be part of this group to learn more about this fascinating and amazing message as told in Revelation. Join us!



The Youth Sunday School Class meets in the upstairs Youth Sunday school room where they can ask deep questions about their faith and life as they navigate through their teenage years.


(Grades Kindergarten to 5th grade) Children of all ages will enjoy all the activities of Sunday School. Biblical lessons and activities are all based on firm Biblical perspectives.


Nursery care is available during the Sunday School time (8:30am).